Roof Replacement in West Jordan, UT

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First Places to Check to See If You Need A Roof Replacement

A lot of people wonder when they should get a roof replacement or a new roof installation and we here at West Jordan Roofing Pros want to make it easy for you to find out. First you should check the inside the house, that’s right, in the attic. When you check in the attic you’re looking for light coming through the ceiling, water anywhere on the floor or streaks on the ceiling. All these clues indicate a roof that’s leaking and might need a full roof replacement or just a minor Roof Repair. Second you should check the paper trail of the house. Find out when was the last time the roof was replaced or shingled. A typical Asphalt roof last 20-25 years.

Roof Replacement West Jordan UT

Once you have checked in the attic and looked up the paper trail. Your next step is to go out onto your roof and check the shingles. They should all lie flat and have no cracks or damage. Also look to see if your roof is droopy or sagging in places. This defiantly indicates a need or a roof repair or roof replacement. Make sure to check for mold or vegetation growing on the roof also. This is an indication that there is moister getting trapped under your shingles and could cause roof damage over time.

All these steps will help you determine if you need a roof replacement or a roof repair. If you have any questions or if you want a second opinion, we would be happy to help. Don’t hesitate to call West Jordan Roofing Pros for help. We are a highly quality roofing company with trained roofers. Feel free to call and get a free quote today!

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